Oral presentations (parallel sessions)
Each session is 105 minutes and features four presentations. In order to allow for ample discussion, please prepare a presentation of 15-17 minutes. Session chairs are advised to be strict with keeping time.
Rooms are equipped with laptops (Windows 7 Professional, OpenOffice 3.3) and pointers.
Please bring your presentation on a USB stick in a compatible format (Powerpoint or PDF). Additionally, you may bring printed handouts of your presentation.
Poster presentations
Please print your own poster. The poster walls (height 1600 mm by width 1200 mm) allow sizes A1 (841 mm by 594 mm) and A0 (1189 mm by 841 mm), both landscape and portrait. You may also bring printed handouts. Pins are provided.
The following information should be included on the poster: Research question; Theory and hypotheses; Data and methods; Results; Conclusion.
Please send us the final version of your poster by March 26, 2017 for a brief poster presentation before the actual poster session. Also please prepare and send us a very brief statement of your research (approx. three sentences, roughly one minute).